Behavioral Health

Behavioral Health Provider Group in TN

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Provider Type
Provider Group
Behavioral Health


PayrHealth assisted with Medicare numbers in 2 states

Accessed new patients across top payors in network area

Client Need

This client contacted PayrHealth for assistance with obtaining contracts with major payors in the state of Tennessee. This client had a credentialing team in place but sought out PayrHealth because telepsychiatry was a new venture. This client also requested assistance with obtaining Medicare numbers in both Tennessee and Nebraska.

PayrHealth's Solution

600K new lives accessed with PayrHealth services

This client presented a challenge with lack of brick and mortar locations to see patients, naturally, PayrHealth provided a solution. By leveraging PayrHealth’s expertise and resources, this client received regulatory guidance and contact information necessary to obtain the correct state inspections and licenses to move forward. With the momentum rising, PayrHealth provided insight into additional states for potential expansions, resulting in this client entering Nebraska. With the help of PayrHealth’s credentialing team this client received Medicare numbers for both states

Key Services Utilized




Client Outcome

The client accomplished its goal of obtaining contracts within both Tennessee and Nebraska with higher than anticipated rates.

The client accomplished its goal of obtaining contracts within both Tennessee and Nebraska with higher than anticipated rates.

Contact PayrHealth

At PayrHealth, we have the industry knowledge and drive to help you navigate the acquisitions process and achieve more competitive contract rates. With the help of our team of experts, you can focus instead on providing an excellent patient experience. To learn more, reach out to our team today.

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