Skilled Nursing Care and Long-Term Care


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Provider Type
Skilled Nursing, Assisted Living Facility
Skilled Nursing Care and Long-Term Care
Lakewood, OH



new lives accessed


new contracts with priority payors

Client Need

EnnisCourt needed to break through network barriers to obtain contracts with the larger, priority payors in our region. Though they had tried in the past, their attempts for network participation were unsuccessful. They lacked the time and resources needed to dedicate to managed care contracting. Even though others told them it would be impossible, they knew PayrHealth’s team could bring them success.

PayrHealth's Solution

PayrHealth lifts burden off pressure to obtain revised contracts with priority payors so that EnnisCourt can continue focus on caring for patients.

PayrHealth took the time to get to know the organization to represent them accurately and effectively in payor engagements. PayrHealth highlighted differentiators that set them apart from their competitors and showcased their value to their sought after payors. PayrHealth was able to overturn denials, secure meetings with network leadership, and foresee devious payor action to hold them accountable to their word.

Key Services Utilized


Client Outcome

PayrHealth executed agreements with 4 priority payors, providing EnnisCourt access to 4.3M+ covered lives. They now have direct connections with their network representatives that will allow them to foster payor relationships for years to come.

Contact PayrHealth

Having negotiated over 50,000 contracts in all 50 states, PayrHealth has the knowledge and expertise to secure highly competitive rates and terms for your contracts, no matter how outdated they are or how big a player the payor is.

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