Provider Credentialing Services

We provide credentialing services so you can continue to provide quality care.

Insurance Credentialing

"Getting on an insurance panel” is how you become an approved in-network provider for a health insurance company. We can assist with that process.

Paperless Credentialing

We offer credentialing in a paperless format, which and keeps our process efficient and saves you hassle and time.

What is provider credentialing?
Why is it essential?

Provider credentialing is an important but arduous process that benefits from an experienced professional who understands the lay of the land. It’s a system of proving to medical organizations that you, as a healthcare provider or network of practitioners, have the necessary licenses, certifications, and training to provide your patients with proper medical care. 

Identified challenges to credentialing services

Provider credentialing is one key step during the contracting process between a healthcare provider and payor. We look through the specifications of your credentialing applications to thoroughly complete all paperwork and identify any exceptions. 

Completing applications

We look through the specifications of your credentialing applications to thoroughly complete all paperwork and identify any exceptions.

Verifying credentials

We liaise with the appropriate licensing authorities, medical schools, previous employers, and healthcare agencies to double-check that every piece of evidence is in order.

Updating payor relationships

We submit the relevant documents, follow-up with payors about ongoing credentialing requests, and re-submit any updated or renewed credentials.

Ensuring the process is complete

We ensure a successful credentialing process and provider enrollment application.

Information gathering

We work with your network of practitioners to acquire the certificates, letters, licenses, and degrees proving full compliance with the credentialing requirements.

Why PayrHealth makes sense for your approach to credentialing

Provider credentialing may be frustrating, but it is necessary. We alleviate the headache, leaving you with just a positive outcome and a smile. From initial provider enrollment through the credentialing phase to eventual renegotiations down the line, PayrHealth is the simplest way to navigate the toughest parts of the process.


Collect Comprehensive Data

By analyzing the numbers—not just yours but an entire database of statistics—we determine ongoing trends, course correct for better results, and increase the number of approvals you'll hear

Make Progress Transparently

We provide up-to-date data entry, timely completion of paperwork and applications, and continual updates on your enrollment, credentialing, and approval status; you maintain complete visibility at every turn.

Experience & Expertise In Your Corner

Credentialing is no walk in the park, but we’ve been down that road more times than we can count. Our team relies on years of experience, extensive data analysis, and real-time intuition to secure the results you want.

Meet With Our Expert Credentialing Team

Connect with our credentialing team to expand your health organization's reach to payors, patients, and beyond.

Credentialing services, led by our expert team

Our team understands the importance of provider credentialing and comes prepared to earn you a favorable outcome, every time.

Armando Cardoso

Chief Executive Officer

Pat Apodaca

Chief Strategy & People Officer

Shelly Young

Vice President of Credentialing

I hired them to help me with provider enrollment and negotiate contracts on my behalf with Health Insurance companies. Their understanding of these companies and how they work is invaluable. They really know the process inside and out. They are fantastic to work with.

Areas of Expertise

We’ve helped various practices across the nation with our credentialing expertise and capabilities. Our broad experience in all 50 states makes us leaders in serving all these healthcare providers and more:


Rural Health Clinics

Hospital Clinics



Family Medicine

Internal Medicine


General Surgery

Orthopedic Surgery

Radiation Oncology

Physical Therapy


Speech Pathology





Pain Management

Rural Hospitals



Emergency Medicine

Plastic Surgery



Imaging Centers

Credentialing Resources

Our team is full of thought leaders and industry experts who share what you should know about the changes and best practices of running a financially successful medical practice.

Get Your Credentialing In Order with The Help of PayrHealth

Credentialing goes a long way towards establishing your health system authority and growing its influence to patients, payors and beyond.